Friday, May 6, 2011

Random rant: Terrible day

I was rudely awakened at 4 AM and had a feeling that this was just the start of bad things to come. I ended up going back to sleep, but woke up 10 minutes late which somehow led to me leaving the house 30 minutes after I had planned. I got stuck in traffic in the pouring rain, clocked in unbelievably late, and spent the rest of the day at work. When I arrived home after driving through another downpour, I realized that I had scraped my elbow somehow and was bleeding all over the place.

..But seriously, the thing that bothered me the most about today (well, technically this whole week) was being disrespected. Funny how guys seem to think that being a jerk is somewhat attractive. It might've worked in elementary school, but that was how many years ago and I don't like boys anymore. Playing games will intrigue me, not keep me. I like men who are kind and empathetic. The ones who apologize after doing something wrong and try to fix their mistakes rather than revert back to treating me like a second class citizen. I like the kind of guy who shows me that he cares and expresses his feelings, not the ones who expect me to infer how they feel. And above all else, reciprocates. Drop the front and I'll drop mines. Give me respect and I'll respect you. Treat me like a princess and I'll try my very best to make you feel like the luckiest guy in the universe.

On a happier note though, I solved my lash/lens problems and had lunch with my bestie! Not to mention, had a pretty darn good hair day ^__^