When I was 18, I imagined myself to be in a long-term relationship while on the border of getting engaged by the time I was 21. I'd graduate by 22, enter grad school soon after, and be outta there with a job & married by 24. I'd start having kids by 25 and stop until I hit 30. I think I stopped planning after that because anything past 30 sounded like it would be smooth sailing. You only get finer with age, right?
That was my life plan when I graduated from high school. Now, I'm nearly a year away from graduating from college and I'm in panic mode not knowing what I'm going to do. I'm not even in a relationship, getting into grad school is a lot more difficult than I thought it'd be, and just because I have a degree, doesn't necessarily guarantee a career. I obviously jumped the gun on having a baby by 5 years and now my only concerns are making him happy and finding someone who'll love both him and me. And I'm not gonna lie, trying to balance home life with a "better now than never" late-blooming social life can be frustrating.
So. Yah.